The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.

LPA Receives Flurry of ‘Good’ Results in Latest Ofsted Inspection

Lodge Park Academy in Corby, part of the David Ross Education Trust, received a flurry of ‘Good’ ratings in this year’s Ofsted inspection, and improved its overall rating after over a year of pandemic learning.
Ofsted reviewed five different areas of school life, and found four to be “Good” - the second highest rating possible. These areas are: Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, Leadership and management, and Sixth-form provision. Overall, Lodge Park Academy’s Ofsted rating was upgraded to ‘Requires Improvement’.

Inspectors highlighted many noteworthy areas in their report, including: “Positive relationships exist between pupils and staff,” and there is “a culture of mutual care and respect.” They noted that "behaviour has improved significantly", commenting that pupils, “follow well established routines throughout the day” and have, “positive attitudes to learning” and “are ambitious to succeed.”
Addressing the rapid improvements the school has made, predominantly during the pandemic, they went on: “Sixth-form students provide positive role models for younger pupils as house captains and prefects...[and they] are overwhelmingly positive about how the school has improved. They attend well and study courses that closely match their interests and aspirations. Teachers help students to develop their independent learning and study skills. Students receive appropriate advice and guidance about their future plans. Many aim to be the first in their family to attend university.”

The inspection also recognised that “Teachers are proud to work at the school and want pupils to be successful.” The report gives examples of a well-planned and coherent curriculum in History, of probing questions in Sociology and an emphasis on accurate grammar and punctuation in French. They also recognised that “promoting pupils’ personal development is fundamental to the school’s values” and that pupils enjoy experiences such as sports and musical activities.

In recognition of the work of leaders, the report states, ‘Leaders know the pupils extremely well, particularly those who are vulnerable.” They also noted that pupils “know that the school gets better all the time,” and they “value the commitment of senior leaders to maintain these improvements.”
The inspection was carried out through a number of meetings with the executive principal, the principal, the head of sixth form, the special educational needs coordinator and other senior leaders, teachers, safeguarding leads, and students of all ages. They also met with the chair of governors, reviewed 72 responses to an online questionnaire, considered 44 responses to a staff questionnaire, and reviewed a range of documentation, including the school’s self-evaluation, curriculum plans and information about pupils’ attendance, behaviour and exclusions.

Carly Waterman, Principal of Lodge Park Academy, said:
“I am very pleased with our Ofsted outcome. I am so glad they recognised the transformation of student behaviour from the previous inspection, and that they recognised our ‘#LPAspirit’. We are particularly proud of being ‘GOOD’ in four key areas, and we will continue to keep rapidly improving. I would also like to say a huge and genuine thank you to staff, students and families. We could not have made these improvements without everyone’s support and loyalty, particularly during a pandemic and two lockdowns. I would also like to publicly note my thanks to Mr Robert Sloan, who has now moved on to be Director of Curriculum at Greenwood Academy Trust. Mr Sloan’s impact on the school’s transformation cannot be overstated.”

Stuart Burns, CEO of the David Ross Education Trust, said:
“Congratulations to Lodge Park on their latest Ofsted report. Despite the challenges of the last two academic years, staff and students at LPA always strive for greatness, and the improvements they have made are remarkable. I have complete faith that under the leadership of Carly Waterman, the school will continue to enhance all areas of school life, and we look forward to watching their continued success.”

The report can be accessed here: