The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.

Parent Information

At Lodge Park we believe that a strong partnership with parents is really important.

A regular programme of Parents’ Evenings exists, where parents and carers have the opportunity to meet with their child’s subject teachers to discuss academic progress and receive pastoral updates.

Our Parent Governor team helps to bring a parent/carer perspective to the strategic management of the academy. They play a valuable role in demonstrating how the academy is perceived from a parent/carer’s point of view, helping to shape academy policy.

We ask that all parents and carers help us to uphold key academy policies, such as championing high attendance and correct uniform.

Parent Code of Conduct

Lodge Park Academy Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors

At Lodge Park Academy, we believe pupils learn best in a safe and supportive environment based on respect and trust, underpinned by an effective partnership between parents, staff and the wider community. High standards of behaviour are required of pupils, and staff are expected to act professionally at all times. Our parents and carers understand the importance of a good working relationship to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood and we value the contributions parents/ carers make with their participation in the life of our academy.

This Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors is endorsed by the Academy Scrutiny Committee (ASC). It provides a reminder to all parents, carers and visitors to our academy about the conduct expected of them. It sets out both what they should aim to do, and details conduct which will not be tolerated. This code complements the Trust’s ‘Complaints Policy’ which is designed to handle complaints in a sensitive and mutually supportive manner (see the academy website or contact the academy office)

Please click here for the full Parent Code of Conduct.

Parent Portal

Lodge Park uses a system to report information about progress and attendance to parents called My Child At School

New from September 2023,  My Child at School (MCAS) is the system you will use to add funds to your child's dinner money account. See information leaflet in the parent letter area of the website.

As a parent you will need a user name and password to access the system.  Please contact reception for further details.  

Teams and Blended Learning

To ensure we meet the needs of all learners, we use Microsoft Teams as our virtual classroom.

Please click on the link below for more information on Microsoft Teams, how your child can access the virtual classrooms. Students will need their school email address and password. Passwords can be reset by email the child's form tutor. For general teams enquiries please email :

Accelerated Reader

Your child uses a software program called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which you can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the teacher, you and your child to share information about his/her progress in Accelerated Reader. Your child will know his/her username and password for Accelerated Reader. 

To log in to Renaissance Home Connect Website visit

If you'd like to receive emails showing your child’s quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox, add to your address book. If you have questions about Renaissance Home Connect, please contact the school.

For more information please view our Accelerated Reader information document here.

Change of Details Form

It is vital that Lodge Park Academy holds the most up to date information in case of any emergencies.

If you need to change any details (for example, name, address, phone number etc), please use the Change of Details form in the Parent Document section below.

Once you have completed the Change of Details form, please return a copy to the school's main reception. Once returned, please be aware that we will contact you to confirm these details before amending our records.


Local Youth Works are now offering the following: 

Mondays and Tuesdays 5pm – 7pm
Young people aged 11 – 25 from Corby area
No appointment necessary, walk in
MIND Building, 18 Argyll Street, Corby NN17 1RU

Available via the above drop in provision 

The services are staffed by qualified counsellors and mental health support workers.  Young people will be offered initial support with referral on to other services (including counselling) where appropriate.

For more information call 01536 518339

Youth Works - Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support

 Click here to access information on local support and guidance on mental health. 

 Mental Health Support

KS3 Revision



Lodge Park Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Providing a safe environment for all our students, staff and visitors is at the upmost importance to us.

Our Safeguarding Team



Safeguarding Information

Visitors to the Academy are requested to read and understand the following in
order to guarantee your time in college runs smoothly.

Signing in at reception indicates your acceptance of this Code of


  • Value and respect different racial origins, religions, cultures and language
  • Do not promote your own political or religious beliefs
  • Use appropriate language and behaviour with children
  • You are not expected to manage classroom behaviour; a teacher will be
    present at all times
  • Please sign in and out of the premises
  • Please wear a visitors badge at all times
  • Report any breakages or accidents to the relevant person
  • Physical contact with students is prohibited unless overseen by a teacher and
    is essential to the delivery of the activity for health and safety reasons
  • Do not be alone with a child
  • If you feel any way uncomfortable about the behaviour of a young person
    please discuss this with the teacher and staff present
  • Whilst preparing your work area ensure there are no children present
  • Any equipment or work in progress that needs to be stored on college
    premises during the project must be highlighted to all staff and appropriate
    arrangements made
  • Drive with extra caution on college premises, take particular care when
  • Switch off any music as you enter the college grounds
  • Do not obstruct fire exits – even temporarily
  • Check with reception where you can unload and park
  • Keep your vehicle locked at all times
  • Never give a student a lift in your vehicle
  • Only use staff toilets
  • Do not wander around the college
  • Do not smoke on college premises or when with a group of students
  • The college has a Child Protection Policy which is available upon request

Please contact Reception for the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) for Safeguarding:
01536 203817

The Academy is committed to equality, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff and volunteers are expected to share this commitment.

Local Safeguarding Authority

Our Local Safeguarding Authority is: Northamptonshire

 Safeguarding Link

Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

KS4 Performance Data - 2023- 2024 

Click here to access the performance data.


Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.
 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

View Email addresses for Teachers

This section is currently being updated September 2023 

Parent Documents

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Term Dates