Sixth Form Enrichment
Pastoral Support
Strong pastoral support is at the heart of our Sixth Form community.
Tutors act as the first point of contact regarding personal or academic issues. A bespoke programme of personal, social and economic education is delivered to help students with the development of essential life skills. All students also receive comprehensive support in the UCAS process as well as receiving guidance from independent experts to help them make informed decisions about apprenticeships and other opportunities available to them at the end of Sixth Form. The Head of Sixth Form is available for students to discuss any social or emotional issues which may affect their personal wellbeing as part of the Academy’s safeguarding procedures.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Lodge Park is dedicated to broadening the horizons of all students.
The CEIAG curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills to be well-educated, ambitious and socially responsible citizens who will continue to learn, have a successful career and lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. All students in the Sixth Form have the knowledge to make informed choices at Post 18 through an extensive CEIAG programme that is fully integrated in to the curriculum. Students benefit from activities that support personal reflection and develop the skills and expertise that employers expect ranging from dedicated careers days, external speakers, trips and individual guidance interviews from independent advisers. Towards the end Year 12 students attend a UCAS Exhibition, where they can have face-to-face discussions about higher education, apprenticeships, volunteer and gap year programmes and career opportunities. Universities from across the UK are represented along with many other national organisations. Sixth Form students are also guided through the UCAS application process, with particular emphasis on making the right choice and writing an impressive personal statement. The Sixth Form team’s experience and expertise is supplemented by support from Universities including Northampton, Nottingham, as well as utilising close links with partner colleges at Oxford and Cambridge for ‘Oxbridge’ applicants.