The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.

Sixth Form Expectations

As a member of the Sixth Form you are a senior student and as such enjoy a range of rights and privileges and therefore do not have to wear a uniform but instead you are expected to wear business dress.

All Sixth Form students should have a school branded bag which is available from reception and students must always wear their lanyards and identification.

Uniform Expectations

Male students are required to wear:

  • Tailored trousers
  • Smart cotton shirt with collar and tie
  • Smart jumper (optional)
  • Smart formal blazer (optional)
  • Smart business/leather shoes – no trainers
  • No large logos or markings

Female students are required to wear:

  • Smart dress/skirt (skirts and dresses should not excessively be tight and no shorter than 3 inches or 8 cm above the knee)
  • Smart tailored trousers (not cropped or lycra)
  • Smart business shirt/blouse or suitable top (no vests, t-shirts, tops off the shoulder or stomach showing)
  • Smart formal blazer (optional)
  • Smart business/leather shoes – no trainers, skater shoes or flip-flops. Shoes with moderate heels are permitted, however, high heels can be a health and safety issue
  • No large logos or markings

As well this there are items of clothing which are not permitted such as hoodies, denim, hats/caps, leggings, jeans and shorts. Outdoor coats should be removed whilst students are in the school building. Jewellery and make-up are permitted in the Sixth Form but there should be no extreme piercings. Hair dye if used should be of a natural tone.


As role models to the rest of the school Sixth Form students are expected to adhere to our guidelines without being prompted. We also feel that these guidelines enable students to have a suitable professional appearance in what is, after all, a working environment. If you attend dressed inappropriately you will be invited to return home to change by your form tutor. The Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to be the final judge as regards suitable dress.