The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Lodge Park Academy

Lodge Park Academy understands the importance of a strong academic foundation. Our academy offers a diverse curriculum and enrichment offering to create well-rounded and confident students.


We believe that wearing the academy uniform creates an identity and ensures all students know they belong to our community, it also ensures a smart and consistent appearance for visitors.

All students from Year 7 to 13 are expected to wear their uniform correctly and with pride whilst on Academy premises and also on the journey to and from the Academy.

Ordering Uniform

In the documents area, you will find the order form and an ordering guide for parents which shows the different ways you can place your orders.

Below is a web link for uniform for years 7 to 11

School uniform - Tel: 0845 519 0099All uniform is bought and exchanged via Sportsware International no stock is held at the academy.

Below is a web link for our academy PE kit for years 7 to 11

PE Kit - kits from our new supplier will be available to purchase from June 2022.

Uniform Code

  • Sixth Form students are expected to wear business dress. For more information on what Sixth Form students can wear please contact the Sixth Form Administrator
  • All students in years 7 to 11 must wear a white school shirt with a collar and the top button done up at all times.  Shirts must be plain, not fitted, with no patterns, logos or embroidery and tucked in at all times
  • All students in years 7 to 11 must wear a tie and blazer at all times (permission required to remove in class). Navy jumpers are optional but if bought must show the Academy logo. This can only be purchased through the official Academy supplier. NO other items of knitwear are allowed
  • Plain black (including the sole) polishable shoes, with only black laces – No suede, trainers, leisure style or sports branded footwear – for example Nike, Adidas, Lacoste, Converse even if all black, are NOT acceptable or heels higher than 2cm. If boots are worn they must be ankle length and worn under trousers
  • Black socks/tights only. No trainer socks
  • Tights must be worn with skirts
  • Skirts to be knee length and standard school type material – no lycra or other tight fitting skirts
  • Tailored fit trousers – Not be skin tight from the waist to the ankle - Narrow fit trousers are acceptable, but they must not cling to the leg like a pair of leggings. Trousers must not expose any leg or ankle
  • PE kit: Navy Academy polo top, girls fleece/boys rugby top, which can only be purchased through the official Academy supplier. Navy blue plain shorts or tracksuit bottoms, navy/white socks, trainers, football boots (optional)
  • All students must have an Academy logo school bag with them at all times, which can only be purchased through the official Academy supplier
  • Outdoor jackets are to be removed before entering the buildings
  • Hooded tops are not to be brought into school
  • Hats, caps and hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the building.
  • No shaving patterns in hair. Natural colours
  • Long hair tied up for PE/DT/practical Science


  • One pair of ear studs and one watch (no smart watches) – NO other jewellery or piercings are allowed
  • Make up – natural/discreet
  • Nails – NO nail polish or fake nails

General Advice concerning all uniform

Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with the student's name.